Peripheral Blood Mononucler Cells (PBMNC) produced with a selective filtration system..
HEMATRATE® Blood Filtration System/Pall Celeris*
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- Scatena A., Maioli F, Petruzzi P, Ventoruzzo G, Liistro F, Bolognese L, Ercolini L, R. L. Autologous Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells implant in a series of diabetic patients with critical limb ischemia not eligible for revascularization. in Association of Diabetic Foot Surgeon 3–4 (2017).
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- Scatena A., Maioli F, Petruzzi P, Ventoruzzo G, Liistro F, Bolognese L, Ercolini L, R. L. Does Autologous Peripheral Mononuclear Cells Implant Allow Foot Surgery in Diabetic Patients with Critical Limb Ischaemia not Eligible for Revascularization? Does Autologous Peripheral Mononuclear Cells Implant Allow Foot Surgery in Diabetic Patients with. in 8th International Symposium Diabetic Foot – IDF- The Hague Netherland (2019).
- Panunzi A, Caravaggi CMF, Sganrazoli AB, Bertulessi A, Barmina F, Casartelli A, Ludovico O, Simonetti D, S. G. Studio clinico prospettico osservazionle sull’impiego di cellule mononucleate autologhe da sangue periferico (PB-MNC) nel trattamento di ulcere ischemiche non infette nei pazienti diabetici affetti da ischemia critica periferica non rivascolarizzabili. in VI Congresso Nazionale del Gruppo di Studio della Podopatia Diabetica (2019).
- Massimiliano Walter Guerrieri, Domenico Benevento, Giovanni Giannace, G. A. & GianMarco de Donato, et al Validity of Adjuvant Therapy in patients with lower limb critical ischemia. in Journal of Vascular Surgery Supplement – Veith Symposium New York (2019).
- Maioli F, Scatena A., Ventoruzzo G, Mazzitelli G, Petruzzi P, Ercolini L, R. L. L’utilizzo dei monociti autologhi nel piede diabetico con ischemia critica degli arti inferiori non rivascolarizzabile. in The Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 24, 61 (2019).
- Biasi, G. Buora A, Zani F, F. P. Terapia rigenerativa delle lesioni trofiche con cellule mononucleate da sangue periferico nell’ischemia critica. in The Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 24, 61 (2019).
- Ruggeri, M. et al. Terapia con cellule mononucleate da sangue periferico come adiuvante le rivascolarizzazioni endovascolari del diabetico: risultati preliminari del ROTARI. J. Vasc. Endovasc. Surg. 6, 49 (2019).
- Caravaggi CMF, Panunzi Andrea, Sangalli E, S. G. Clinical outcome of autologous PB-MNC in treatment of non infected ischemic DFU (3C TUC) in non option CLI. in 6th World Union of Wound Healing Society Abu Dhabi March (2020).
Abstracts & Poster
- Di Pardo, A. et al. Infusion of autologous-peripheral blood mononuclear cells : a new approach for limb salvage in patients with diabetes. in 7th International Diabetic Foot Congress abu Dhabi International Diabetic Foot Congress Abu Dhabi 4-8 (2017).
- Scatena A., Maioli F, Petruzzi P, Ventoruzzo G, Liistro F, Bolognese L, Ercolini L, R. L. Autologous Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells implant in a series of diabetic patients with critical limb ischemia not eligible for revascularization. in Association of Diabetic Foot Surgeon 3–4 (Association of Diabetc Surgeons, 2017).
- Johnson, C., Rodenberg, E., Record Ritchie, R. D. & Jaworek Berning, J. Filtered blood cell preparations can be tailored for clinical applications. Cytotherapy 20, S119 (2018).
- Palermo Chiara, Sanfiorenzo Angelo, Trigona Cristina, Bernardini Giulia, V. P. Role of Monocytes in the Treatment of Chronic Limb Ischemia and “Hard to Heal” Ulcers. Vasc. Surg. 68, e119 (2018).
- Giannace G, Guerrieri M W , Setacci C, B. D. Validity of Adjuvant Therapy in patients with lower limb critical ischemia. in ASCVTS – Moscow (2018).
- Onesti MG, Carella S, R. D. L’utilizzo delle cellule mononucleate da sangue periferico in chirurgia plastica. in 68th SICPRE – Palermo (2019).
- Scatena A., Maioli F, Petruzzi P, Ventoruzzo G, Liistro F, Bolognese L, Ercolini L, R. L. Does Autologous Peripheral Mononuclear Cells Implant Allow Foot Surgery in Diabetic Patients with Critical Limb Ischaemia not Eligible for Revascularization? Does Autologous Peripheral Mononuclear Cells Implant Allow Foot Surgery in Diabetic Patients with. in 8th International Symposium Diabetic Foot – IDF- The Hague Netherland (2019).
- Panunzi A, Caravaggi CMF, Sganrazoli AB, Bertulessi A, Barmina F, Casartelli A, Ludovico O, Simonetti D, S. G. Studio clinico prospettico osservazionle sull’impiego di cellule mononucleate autologhe da sangue periferico (PB-MNC) nel trattamento di ulcere ischemiche non infette nei pazienti diabetici affetti da ischemia critica periferica non rivascolarizzabili. in VI Congresso Nazionale del Gruppo di Studio della Podopatia Diabetica (2019).
- Massimiliano Walter Guerrieri, Domenico Benevento, Giovanni Giannace, G. A. & GianMarco de Donato, G. P. . C. S. . Validity of Adjuvant Therapy in patients with lower limb critical ischemia. in Journal of Vascular Surgery Supplement – Veith Symposium New York (2019).
- Maioli F, Scatena A., Ventoruzzo G, Mazzitelli G, Petruzzi P, Ercolini L, R. L. L’utilizzo dei monociti autologhi nel piede diabetico con ischemia critica degli arti inferiori non rivascolarizzabile. in The Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 24, 61 (2019).
- Biasi, G. Buora A, Zani F, F. P. Terapa rigenerativa delle lesioni trofiche con cellule mononucleate da sangue periferico nell’ischemia critica. in The Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 24, 61 (2019).
- Ruggeri, M. et al. Terapia con cellule mononucleate da sangue periferico come adiuvante le rivascolarizzazioni endovascolari del diabetico: risultati preliminari del ROTARI. . J. Vasc. Endovasc. Surg. 6, 49 (2019).
- Caravaggi CMF, Panunzi Andrea, Sangalli E, S. G. Clinical outcome of autologous PB-MNC in treatment of non infected ischemic DFU (3C TUC) in non option CLI. in 6th World Union of Wound Healing Societes Abu Dhabi March (2020).
* Pall Celeris® and Cook Regentec Hematrate® medical devices are manufactured by Pall Medical at the Pall Medemblik (NL) facility, both are CE marked DMs by Pall Sarl and are equivalent in use, DM classification, materials, sterilization and performance.